4th of July Safe Driving Tips

The 4th of July will be the first Holiday Fox Lake residents are allowed to celebrate since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic. This means residents are allowed to(safely) travel, host parties, and attend firework shows – all of course within the social distance guidelines. Surging nationwide Coronavirus numbers and the lack of driving the past few weeks may deter you and your family from celebrating this weekend.
We here at Ray CDJR have compiled a list of driving tips for having a safe and healthy holiday weekend.

Schedule service
With the stay-at-home order being lifted recently, it’s especially important to get your vehicles looked at since it might not have seen the light of day in quite some time. It’s easy to schedule a service appointment online at Fox Lake Jeep. Our technicians will perform routine maintenance – checking over your fluid levels and tire pressure, changing your oil, and more.

Check out our 4th of July Holiday deals
Most of our Holiday deals expire around July 6th, so you’ll want to take advantage of these deals now! Check out our website to see the plethora of car buying and leasing incentives available to you.
Plan your trip in advance
If you plan on traveling and/or visiting family and friends make sure to take hygiene into account(hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, face maks, etc). Remember, restrictions have been lifted in Illinois, but you still have to wear a face mask in public and stand at least 6 feet apart from one another. Keeps tabs on the event that you are attending, as some may have limitations and restrictions on capacity.
Take safety measures while driving
Many car accidents yearly are caused by negligence. It’s important that you do all you can this Holiday weekend to avoid this. Make sure all your passengers are buckled in, be sure to pay attention to road signage and lights, do not text and drive, and make sure your vehicle is clean and you have adequate cleaning supplies. Throw some extra face masks and disinfectant wipes in your glove compartment just in case.

Watch for pedestrians
With the beginning of phase 4 beginning in Illinois, it’s likely that people will be out and about visiting friends, neighbors, and trying to see fireworks(at a safe distance). If you have to drive on Saturday, please be very careful. Pay attention to stop signs, obey crosswalks, and don’t run red lights. Watch for pedestrians and their furry friends as well. People have been a bit stir crazy from being locked indoors for weeks, so pedestrians may be all over this weekend.

Following these safe driving tips can ensure a safe and healthy Holiday weekend! From all of us here at Ray CDJR, Happy 4th of July!